Forgotten: The Memoirs Of Sister Margaret by Kimberly Morrison

A Guiding Light

Forgotten: Memoirs Of Sister Margaret by Kimberly Morrison is a powerful Christian dual timeline novel. It is the sixth book in the Created With Purpose series but can be read as a stand-alone.

The action is set in present day and looking backwards over a life in the form of a memoir. The chapters alternate between the time periods and are in the third person (present day) and the first person (memoir).

This is a powerful, and at times, a hard and heartbreaking read. I was very shocked at the events an eight year old endured, but life is not always nice, and awful, unspeakable things happen to the innocent. The response of those who are supposed to love and protect shocked me too. The innocent had no voice.

We see that life can make you bitter or better. We all have the choice as to how to respond to our circumstances. We follow a life that chooses to see good, do good and to follow God. This life faced a crossroads – be angry at God for allowing terrible events or choose forgiveness and press into the only One who could save her.

There is also the difficult topic of dementia. It is a cruel condition that robs us of our loved one’s bit by bit. Once again there is a choice as to how to respond – become angry and focus on what is lost, or remember with love.

Within the tale we follow a great love. It is a love that protects and cherishes. It is a love that cannot die, even death cannot kill that great love. It is a love that remains.

Forgotten: Memoirs Of Sister Margaret was a hard hitting, gritty read. There were many Christian lessons to be learnt as well as the hard question of why does God appear silent and let bad things happen to good people? There is no definitive answer to that but we trust that God is good and we know that He walks beside us through all the seasons of life. God did not promise us an easy life but He did promise to never leave us nor forsake us.

I will leave you with my favourite quote:

“Not focus on things lost or you miss out on what God wants you to gain.”

I received a free copy from the author. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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