For Cat Lovers Everywhere
Socks by Beverly Clearly is a delightful children’s novel for ages five years and older. More confident readers will be able to read the book themselves. Younger children will enjoy listening to the story.
The story is told from the point of view of Socks, a young kitten in need of a home. As a crazy cat lady, I found the tale particularly charming.
There were a few hair-raising moments for Socks, which as a life-long cat owner, I found easy to empathise with.
Socks has a lovely life until a new baby appears. I am afraid my sympathies were with Socks – When I was expecting our first baby, I had a new kitten, who was the centre of my life… and this continued after our baby was born… equal but different! I felt increasingly sorry for Socks as he was pushed out.
I thoroughly enjoyed Socks. It is perfect for young children and cat lovers everywhere.