An Island In The Sun by Kate Frost

Escaping A Grey Winter’s Day

An Island In The Sun by Kate Frost is a charming contemporary novel that will add warmth and brightness to the gloomy grey days of winter as we escape to sun and heat.

The Mediterranean climate comes alive under Kate Frost’s pen as we can almost ‘see’ the heat shimmer. Her descriptions tempt the senses as we travel through the novel.

Pet sitting enables a character to escape not only the climate of Britain but to run from painful circumstances too. Adoring the two King Charles Spaniels and a cat enables the healing process to begin.

The antidote to a broken heart is forgiveness. In order to fully heal and move forward, forgiveness must be given. Without it, we will remain trapped in the past in a prison of bitterness.

We witness fractured relationships – a son has a difficult relationship with his parents but a great one with his former babysitter. He has had all the privileges that money can buy – but love has eluded him.

Never judge by appearances. Things are rarely as they seem on the surface. Care and understanding as well as open conversations are needed.

I thoroughly enjoyed An Island In The Sun. It was the perfect escape from a grey day in winter as the sun shone from the pages and into my heart.

I received a free copy via Rachel’s Random Resources for a blog tour. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


An Island in the Sun

Running away is what Tabitha Callahan does best until saying goodbye becomes too hard…

When successful songwriter Tabitha Callahan swaps a summer of sadness for pet sitting around the world, she intends to use the time to heal her broken heart.

Tabitha can’t believe her luck when she picks up a housesit on the rugged and beautiful Portuguese island of Madeira.

The villa is luxurious, the views breath-taking and her charges, a gorgeous but aloof cat and two cute and friendly Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, are perfect companions while she works on some new material and attempts to reconcile her past.

However, her peace is shattered when an unexpected house guest puts paid to her much-needed time alone, forcing her to confront not only her feelings but what she actually wants from life.

New friends and old dominate her time on the island, along with deep-rooted regret and unspoken sorrow.

Will a year of running away be enough to put the past to rest and allow someone new to inch into her heart?

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Author Bio –

Kate Frost is the author of several bestselling romantic escape novels including The Greek Heart, and The Love Island Bookshop. She lives in Bristol and is the Director of  Storytale Festival, a book festival for children and teens she co-founded in 2019.

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