A Mother’s Christmas Wish by Glenda Young

Heart Warming

A Mother’s Christmas Wish by Glenda Young is a wonderful, heart-warming historical novel that will fill your heart with love.

The action takes place in 1923 in a small village in the North East. It is here that the reader witnesses love, care and community in action. Living in a village means your business is never your own but it is a small price to pay for all the love and care. If there are problems, there is always a neighbour to run to.

At the heart of the village is the pub. It has been neglected due to grief but a new girl in town is determined to turn the fortunes around and to inject new life into old.

We witness the camaraderie of the women. There is a network of support and love. When the men folk let them down, the sisterhood picks them up.

The village functions as a family. As with all families, there are occasional disagreements as personalities clash but blood is thicker than water.

Fresh off the boat from Ireland arrives a feisty young woman. Her first day is very memorable but she proves to have a loyal heart of gold.

I thoroughly enjoyed A Mother’s Christmas Wish. It was a wonderful, warm read. I was pleased to see the inclusion of the apple cake recipe too.

I received a free copy from Rachel’s Random Resources for a blog tour. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


A Mother’s Christmas Wish

‘I hope this Christmas is better than last year’s.’

Following a scandalous affair, wayward Emma Devaney is sent in disgrace from her home in Ireland to Ryhope, where she will live with her widowed aunt, Bessie Brogan, and help run her pub. Bessie is kind but firm, and at first Emma rebels against her lack of freedom. Struggling to fit in, she turns to the wrong person for comfort, and becomes pregnant.

Accepting she must embrace her new life for the sake of her baby, Emma pours her energy into making the pub thrive and helping heal the fractured relationship between Bessie and her daughters. She catches the attention of Robert, a gruff but sincere farmer, who means to win her heart.

As December approaches, thankful for the home and acceptance she’s found, Emma is determined to bring not just her family, but the whole Ryhope community, together to celebrate – and to make one very special mother’s Christmas dreams come true.

Purchase Links

UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mothers-Christmas-Wish-heartwarming-sacrifice-ebook/dp/B09GFHCKBP

US – https://www.amazon.com/Mothers-Christmas-Wish-heartwarming-sacrifice-ebook/dp/B09GFHCKBP

Author Bio –

Glenda Young credits her local library in the village of Ryhope, where she grew up, for giving her a love of books. She still lives close by in Sunderland and often gets her ideas for her stories on long bike rides along the coast. A life-long fan of Coronation Street, she runs two hugely popular fan websites.

Social Media Links –

For updates on what Glenda is working on, visit her website glendayoungbooks.com and to find out more find her on Facebook/GlendaYoungAuthor and Twitter @flaming_nora.

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