Steel Girls On The Home Front by Michelle Rawlins

Friendship And Hope

Steel Girls On The Home Front by Michelle Rawlins is a fabulous historical novel and the third book in The Steel Girls series. It can be read as a stand-alone but I recommend reading the previous two books first.

Once more we rejoin the Sheffield steel girls in 1940. It is lovely to catch up with familiar faces. The women continue to do their bit for the war effort – whether it’s operating machinery, serving tea or knitting for the troops, the women always give one hundred per cent of themselves.

There is a wonderful community atmosphere as the characters support each other. There are tears and fears, joy and laughter, love and support. Through all the seasons, none of the women battle alone as those around them offer love and care – whether it’s a listening ear, a drink in the pub, or that old favourite, a cup of tea.

Michelle Rawlins has captured the fears perfectly – there is the fear in the air raids, and also a fear that their menfolk will be killed. Some still remember the after effects of World War I and the devastated lives. The reader’s heart breaks for the young girl who misses her daddy.

War provided opportunities for women and for those whose health prevented them from signing up. Everyone wanted to be useful and to do their bit.

I am thoroughly enjoying The Steel Girls series and cannot wait for book four – especially as book three ended with a jaw-dropping moment.

I will leave you with my favourite quote:

“It’s when you are in the midst of the hardest of times, you witness the best of human nature.”

I received a free copy via Net Galley. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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