Who Brought The Dog To Church? by Tracy Smoak is a delightful contemporary Christian novel about community, care and friendship.
The cast of characters are realistically drawn. They are an eclectic bunch whom you could meet in any small town. The women have one thing in common – compassion – where they see a need, it is met. There are some huge hearts.
There is the difficult topic of domestic violence which is sensitively portrayed by Tracy Smoak. Her style of writing enables the reader to easily picture the victim and the abuser, as we get inside their heads.
There is also the theme of loss as women struggle with grief after losing their husbands. “Only her hope in eternity kept her from going mad with grief.” Because of Jesus we can have the hope of heaven. We witness a character who thinks she is alone in her grief, without realising that others have trodden the same path. Our experiences help us to come alongside others and help them on their journeys.
Within the tale the church functions as Jesus intended. “She needed a friend who understood her sorrows and offered hope.” Women support others. The prayer chain rallies to petition God. Although a miscommunication brings some humorous results.
A lovely Yorkshire Terrier called Sweetie becomes a character in her own right. We witness the loyal bond between a dog and her owner as well as a desire to protect.
Hearts and lives are opened to those in need – from abused women and children to young men.
Tracy Smoak writes in an easy personable style. Although there are serious themes, her style is easy going and peppered with humor. The opening scenes within a church were very recognisable to me and to anyone who has stepped foot inside a building where seats have ownership and differing behaviours are not tolerated. We need to be aware of the needs of others and also to not take ourselves too seriously. We need to be the eyes and ears of Jesus and to dish out compassion and care where it is needed.
The easy banter between the ladies is highly amusing.
Tracy Smoak is a new author to me and certainly one that I want to read more from. Her story tackles serious relevant issues in an easily relatable way whilst revealing the heart and love of God for His children. Portions of scripture are interspersed throughout.
Who Brought The Dog To Church? Is a charming tale that I can highly recommend.
I received a free copy from the author. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.
Link To Tracy Smoak’s website