Archive | May 2021

Rebel Light by Marilyn Turk

Shining His Light

Rebel Light by Marilyn Turk is a charming Christian historical novel and the first book in the Coastal Lights Legacy which promises to be fantastic.

The setting is 1861 in the American south. It is a time of turmoil as the American Civil War begins. There is a question of trust as neighbours and friends choose sides.

God loves all His children and He can be trusted. He commands us to love our enemies and to pray for them. Within minds, the enemy builds up to be monsters. “So this is what the enemy looks like. She had not expected him to appear so normal.” The enemy is just the same as you and me.

A uniform and rank should mean trust. But clothes do not make a man. There are some unscrupulous men within the book.

Likewise going to church does not make people Christian. A heart change and a life surrendered to God are the hallmarks of a Christian.

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The Summer Seekers by Sarah Morgan

Delightfully Fun

The Summer Seekers by Sarah Morgan is the most charming contemporary novel showing you are never too old to have the trip of a lifetime.

The novel is a journey of discovery – literally as the characters drive across America on route 66 and also internally as characters unlock and realise their full potential.

Life has dealt some cruel hands. In order to protect oneself a character locked up her heart, letting no one in. Unfortunately she also locked life out, failing to build the most important relationships. The walls need to come down. Another character has been hemmed in by life, so busy doing things for others that life is passing her by. And a third has been constrained by the views and words of others. As The Summer Seekers progresses it is beautiful to witness characters bud and blossom.

The lead character is eighty years old and full of life. She is forthright and funny, having some wonderful verbal exchanges with her twenty five year old co-pilot. As they travel the  highway, their lives reflect the open road.

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Backlash by Rachel Dylan

The Fall-Out

Backlash by Rachel Dylan is a marvellous contemporary Christian crime suspense. It is the second book in the Capital Intrigue series but can be read as a stand-alone. I enjoyed catching up with familiar faces.

In book one we met a group of friends. Book two sees us follow the fortunes of Layla. Friendship is important. We all need good friends whom we can trust and who will support us through life.

At times life spirals out of control. We can always turn to God for support. “Relying on my faith gets me through the difficult times.” Being a Christian does not make us immune to hard times but God is faithful and has promised to never leave us.

“He was still struggling to answer… why had God left him?” God walks alongside us. If we fail to ‘see’ or ‘feel’ Him, the fault lies with us and where we have placed our focus.

The novel is full of suspense and very intriguing. A successful mission has been turned around as the team face lies, danger and cover-ups. Somewhere within the law enforcement is a leak, it needs to be plugged before more damage is done.

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The Thorn Of Truth by S.L. Russell

Cast Your Cares On Him

The Thorn Of Truth by S.L. Russell is a marvellous Christian crime suspense that consumed me from the start.

The main themes are of being truthful and living with integrity. The main character faces a dilemma between representing the truth or bowing to popular opinion and twisting the facts to suit. Walking the truthful line is not always popular but it is the right thing to do. Sometimes it seems as if the line between truth and lies is not always black and white but a blurred shade of grey as even those who should represent the truth forget to do so.

Living a life of integrity enables us to walk tall with a clear conscience. We will have nothing to reproach ourselves for if we live truthful, open lives.

When we struggle with life we need to tap into God. “There’s a higher power with a better view of your problems.” What worries us does not worry God. He sees the bigger picture.

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