Down Sizing by Lin Stepp

Endless Love

Down Sizing by Lin Stepp is a charming contemporary Christian novel and part of the Mountain Home series.

Lin Stepp has created a realistic and likable heroine in Mary Pat. It is refreshing to have the focus on her as she is not your typical leading lady, being past the first flush of youth and in her fifties and overweight. She has brought up her family and her life revolves around them until a bombshell is dropped. She is very relatable.

Like many of us, Mary Pat struggles with her weight. It should not define her but cruel comments are like sharp barbs. The reader admires her tenacity to start and stick with a healthy eating plan. She shows that we are never too old to have a fresh start. As her horizons broaden, so does her life. There are no retirement plans in the kingdom. A full life is not just for the young. A full life with new challenges is available for anyone who is still breathing. While there is breath there is life.

Our inner personality should be more important than our outward appearance. There are shallow characters who judge others by looks, wealth and social standing. The true riches of this world are built around love and relationships – with God and with each other.

The church is God’s great idea for planet earth. When it functions as He intended, it is beautiful. When the church functions as a social club, its values are off centre, it is hurtful and painful to witness.

Down Sizing shows authentic faith. Characters have a relationship with God and live out His love. When life is tough – pray. When forgiveness is not easy – pray. When life is great – pray. Prayer is our hotline to God, we need to use it at all times.

Bears live in the mountains. There are some surprising encounters within the book, they are not polite visitors!

Down Sizing is a refreshing read not just because of the clean mountain air but because of the heart of the characters. Lin Stepp has written a perfectly charming novel with a delightful leading lady and a faithful God.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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