A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter by Julian Norton

A Wonderful Read

A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter by Julian Norton is a fascinating look at the life of one of television’s well known and much loved vets.

Having watched The Yorkshire Vet on channel 5 since the first episode I am familiar with some of the names mentioned within the book. Putting faces to names helps the book really come to life.

Julian Norton writes as he speaks. His style is friendly, plain speaking and injected with humour and laughter. There were occasions I did laugh out loud – I shall never forget the incident with the flicking off of the fly near the eye!

Julian Norton has a heart not just for the animals he treats but also for the owners he meets. He realises the distress we pet owners can get into when our pets (cats in my case) are ill and he distributes kindness. He realises “the importance of spending time listening to the human behind the animal.”

I absolutely loved A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter. I savoured all the stories. A gloomy, cold afternoon is made much brighter by picking up this book, grabbing a coffee and settling down for a read. This book injects light and life into the world. Absolutely perfect.


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