Where I Was Planted by Heather Norman Smith

Simply Beautiful

Where I Was Planted by Heather Norman Smith is a beautiful historical novel about finding faith, love and purpose in life.

The novel focuses on ten year old Nate and is written in the first person. I ‘lived’ the book through Nate’s eyes. He is a gentle soul, wise beyond his years and brought out the mothering side of me. Nate is a misfit searching to be loved and belong. He watches other fathers and wishes his father would notice him. The reader is reminded that we are all misfits searching for the love of Our Father. The good news is… God already loves us and we do not need to work our way into His affections because He will always love us.

As Nate goes on his journey of discovery, the reader tags along. There is a literal journey and a spiritual one. We all have a God-shaped hole that only He can fill. In coming to God, Nate has to be vulnerable and learn to trust. Even when we cannot see the road ahead, we can trust God because He is already there. “I knew His plan was good, even if I didn’t understand it.”

Some people attract others to them, like moths to a flame. Nate is one such person. As people draw close to him, they open up their lives. This reminds the reader of the church, the church is a place where we can be open and truthful and have the support of others as we journey through life.

We get to know God by reading His word. “The Bible storybook was my most prized possession.” We should all treasure our Bibles. They are God’s instructions to us on how to navigate through our lives.

Where I Was Planted demonstrates that we should bloom right where we are. We cannot choose where we are planted but we can choose to spread the good news of God. Our mission field may be overseas but there are people in our own back yards who need to hear about Jesus.

I found Where I Was Planted reminiscent of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice And Men as Heather Norman Smith paints the landscape and relationships with her choice of words. The whole novel was beautifully written and has left me feeling serene.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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