Snowflakes At The Little Christmas Tree Farm by Jaimie Admans

Recreating The Magic

Snowflakes At The Little Christmas Tree Farm by Jaimie Admans is the most delightful heart-warming contemporary novel. It will leave you smiling and feeling loved.

The novel is about community. A small Scottish village works together against not only larger corporations but also the elements. Success is not me-shaped but us-shaped. Together we can achieve more than I can alone.

Delicious descriptions enable the reader to have a complete assault on our senses. We can almost ‘smell’ the pine cones and hot chocolate, and ‘see’ the market, Christmas trees and snow.

There is the theme of restoration. Not only do a house and farm need brining back to life, but characters do too. Past hurts need to build trust and heal hearts. Lives need to be restored by love, care and belonging.

Grief hurts. It never goes away. It pains like a knife. The old life is gone but one clings to memories. A new life is waiting but we need courage to step into it.

A Christmas theme always speaks of romance and warmth. It is a magical time of year where childhood memories can be rekindled.

Jaimie Admans has created a magical novel with big hearted characters. I immersed myself in the action which is written in the first person. I placed myself in the novel, ‘living’ the events.

Jaimie Admans always writes such charming novels that I want to abandon real life and step into her books. Her books make the reader feel good and feel loved.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


3 thoughts on “Snowflakes At The Little Christmas Tree Farm by Jaimie Admans

  1. I love to read and just found your blog. I also looked for my favorite author, Jamie Langston Turner, but she isn’t in your list. I would like to recommend her to you. Her stories take place in the Southern United States and depict the modern day middle class Christian life. Being a person who loves to re-read a book I have read all of her books 2 to 4 times each and I am looking forward to her next book which I think is coming out next year.

  2. This sounds like a very good book, I love the cover, and it is a christmas story! Thank you for sharing the book review. God Bless you.

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