Archive | August 2019

When Mountains Sing by Stacy Monson

Hiker Girl On A Journey

When Mountains Sing by Stacy Monson is a most delightful contemporary Christian novel and part of the Mosaic Collection.

The novel is a journey of discovery to find out not just who we are but whose we are. We all want to know our roots but they are not nearly as important as knowing to whom we belong. We are a child of God whether we realise it or not. “You were never an oops in His eyes… Your true DNA is found in Him.” No matter what the truth about our conception, each one of us was planned by God. We are “exactly who God meant you [us] to be.”

Within the novel there is the theme of family. “Blood isn’t the only thing that makes a family.” Family is the people who love us and look after us. We are also adopted into God’s family. No matter what our past looks like, we can all have a glorious ending with God.

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Breathe Again: How To Live Well When Life Falls Apart by Niki Hardy

I Am A Thriver

 Breathe Again: How To Live Well When Life Falls Apart by Niki Hardy is a powerful book about Niki Hardy’s journey to not only survive bowel cancer but to thrive. This book is a great book for anyone going through tough times. It shows you that you are not alone and gives you tips to thrive. It is also a great book for those whose journey is smooth so that you will have the tools to help you thrive when the tough times come.

Niki Hardy writes in a very personable way. It felt more like reading a letter from a dear friend than reading a book. Niki Hardy offers so much wise advice. Each chapter has personal stories and ends with aids for you to self-examine and thrive on your walk with God. It finishes each chapter with a prayer.

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The Ingredients For Happiness by Lucy Knott

A Little Slice Of Italy

The Ingredients For Happiness by Lucy Knott is a delightful contemporary novel that will leave you smiling and feeling good about life.

The book is based around three sisters who are following their dreams. Dreams are planted in hearts and encouraged to grow by those around them as they are sprinkled with love. Dreams take on an extra significance when they were birthed by those no longer here.

The novel deals with the loss of a grandfather. He was clearly a man much loved by his family. His presence of love covers the whole book.

Cooking, dress designing and managing a boy band are the order of the day. Due to delicious descriptions the reader can almost taste the goodies, feel the fabric and hear the band. The Ingredients For Happiness is a book that really assaults the senses.

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Jessie And James by Jennifer Beckstrand

What’s Wrong With My Hat?

Jessie And James by Jennifer Beckstrand is the most charming Christian historical romance that warms the heart and soothes the soul.

Jennifer Beckstrand always writes such delightful novels that I sink into from the start. Jessie And James is wonderfully amusing. The lead character is a strong minded young woman who carries a large gun everywhere and isn’t afraid to use it! She meets her match in James who is a wonderful partner for verbal volleys.

The whole novel has a warm family atmosphere with characters bonding over the Word, food and song. Huge hearts realise that men are hungry not just for food but for God.

Characters need Jesus and the best way to show Jesus to them is by kindness. No one responds well to a verbal lashing. Jesus needs to be shown in our actions.

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