Love, Love, Love
The Space Between Us by T.K. Chapin is a marvelously powerful contemporary Christian novel about love. This love is not a love that diminishes this is the love of God for His children and the love of His children for each other. It is a love based on 1 Corinthians 13. A love that puts others first. A love that takes care of the lost and the lonely.
I love the idea that “God is pursuing you.” No matter what we’ve done or where we’ve been, God wants a relationship with us.
The novel explores parental relationships. Earthly parents may fail us but God never will.
Trust is a major theme. We need to trust God with our lives. He only wants the best for us. “God’s not a genie… He has a plan. I just need to trust him.”
We must never judge others. We do not know what they have been through. “ ‘You here to preach?’ ‘No… I’m here to love.’ “
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