Restoring Faith by Marion Ueckermann

Through The Fire

Restoring Faith by Marin Ueckermann is a contemporary Christian novel set in 2003 and part of the Potter’s House series as well as being the first book in the Shaped By Love series.

Marion Ueckermann writes about ‘real’ issues as the reader witnesses a fifteen year old marriage in crisis. “Heaven forbid the world knew their marriage was in trouble.” Why do we feel a need to pretend all is well, especially when we go to church? If we are in trouble, we need to seek godly counsel before it is too late.

The advice the world gives is not helpful. The world has a different set of standards when compared with the Christian however there should be the same moral code governing both. In all things we need to go to the source, the Bible, to get God’s standard.

We need to be open and honest at all times. People misconstrue and concoct all sorts of scenarios as we misinterpret what we see with our eyes.

Dialogue is vital. If we feel we are slipping away from relationships, we need to talk.
Faith and trust in God are key. “Even God wasn’t talking to her.” If we feel that God is silent, guess who moved? We need to retune into His voice.

Life can be hard. Even in the midst of difficult times, we need to remember “God was good. Even in the darkness.” God can be trusted at all times.

The characters created by Marion Ueckermann are realistic and likeable. The reader understands each characters point of view. They are not perfect and have their flaws but by the grace of God they (and we) can overcome.

Marion Ueckermann has bravely explored a topic you don’t often read about – a marriage in trouble. Too often we paint a face on to show the world when we should just be real – with each other and with God.

Marion Ueckermann writes Christian fiction at its best as the reader can identify with the characters who are not perfect, who face life issues and who ultimately lift their eyes to their Father.

A perfectly wonderful read.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




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