An Ordinary Life, An Extraordinary Spark: A Memoir By J.A. Richards

Nuggets Of Wisdom

An Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Spark: A Memoir by J.A. Richards is a great little book about life and the author’s experiences, responses and what she has learnt along the way. There are “nuggets of wisdom” for us all to take away.

J.A. Richards shows how God turns up in the ordinary and turns it into the extraordinary. “It is in the ordinary… where we can find God.” God is interested in all areas of our lives. He longs to be involved and have a relationship with us all.

Church is important. It is vital to find a church where you feel at home. “How you worship doesn’t matter as much as why you worship.” We worship because we want to and it pleases God. It matters not whether it is formal hymns or lively worship songs. However we choose to worship, we must put God at the centre.

God is always with us no matter what life throws at us. “God is synonymous with love.” Love is His nature. He desires to love us. In the difficult times we cling to God to get us through. “Sad times help people remember that God is important.”

J.A Richards has been honest in her memoirs. I am sure we can all identify with some of her situations. The style is chatty and engaging, like reading a letter from an old friend.

A powerful little book that covers relationships, death, autism and other topics in between.

A word of caution, there was the odd word or phrase, that I was not expecting to find in a Christian book which some readers may not like.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




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