Drawn By The Frost Moon: Love The War Woman by April Gardner

Love And Loyalty, Battles And Trickery

Drawn By The Frost Moon: Love The War Woman by April Gardner is a Christian historical Native American novel. It is an epic tale set at the beginning of the nineteenth century that will hold the reader’s attention from the start.

There are themes of love, friendship, brotherhood and loyalty. “I could never leave a brother behind.” The Native Americans were fiercely protective of each other. They were a brave people who were not afraid to fight for what they believed was right.

There were strong bonds formed in childhood that persist into adulthood.

The truth of Jesus had been heard by some. “She’d denounced the spirits and confessed a belief in Creator Jesus.” Jesus lodged deeply in hearts. The Native Americans believed at the risk of death. Their lives were on the line for their faith.

Jesus gives us a peace that persists even when life is in turmoil.

Jesus brings truth. “In my being… Truth speaks.” We know that the words of Jesus bring life.

Drawn By The Frost Moon: Love The War Woman combines elements of truth with fiction to produce an epic read. The reader is entertained by battles and friendships. Trickery and intrigue contrast with love and loyalty.

I had a kindle copy. I can recommend a paperback as there is a list of who is in which tribe at the start, and it would be easier to flick backwards to remind oneself of the characters. I must admit, I got a bit confused at times.

A very entertaining read.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




2 thoughts on “Drawn By The Frost Moon: Love The War Woman by April Gardner

  1. Julia, you did a fabulous job of keying into every theme, spiritual or otherwise. Paperback coming SOON. The official Kindle copy is linked for help with the flipping. 🙂 So glad enjoyed Mink’s journey to a New Beginning with Jesus. Thank you for this lovely Release Day review!

  2. Thank you for this review! I love: “Jesus gives us a peace that persists even when life is in turmoil.” And I also know & agree with you that the words of Jesus do bring life!

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