The Storms Of Deliverance by Larry Higdon

Powerful, Emotional And Touching

The Storms Of Deliverance by Larry Higdon is a compulsive, contemporary read that drew me in from the opening. I spent the novel asking questions and in a heightened state as I waited for answers.

The Storms Of Deliverance is a powerful novel and one that messed with my mind. Even when I put the book down, it was impossible to stop the story running through my head. How would I feel if I went to sleep in 1981 and woke up in 2008? What would I see that was different? How would I deal with it?

The novel is about an awakening and a new start. How would I feel if I could start again? What would I do differently?

Life is a battle between good and evil. We always have the choice to do the right thing. Which voice are we listening to?

There are themes of guilt and restoration. Guilt is a waste of emotions. We need to deal with our guilt, learn from it and move on, applying lessons learned to our future. It is possible to restore our sense of well being.

How would I feel if I did not like the person others said I was? How would I feel if I did not recognise my loved ones? This book certainly makes the reader stop, think, and apply personal questions.

I found myself really liking the main character Johnson and developing an empathy with him. The book was well written and I could not get enough of it. There were some very touching, emotional and powerful moments. I will leave you to discover these for yourself.

A really powerful book that has remained in my head after the last page was read.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




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