The Wages Or The Gift by Rosalind Morris

Lady Luck Or Jesus?

The Wages Or The Gift by Rosalind Morris is a contemporary Christian thriller that will have the reader glued and guessing.

The novel is very much grounded in God with large chunks of scripture to back up what is said. We all have a choice to choose God or not. “People are… one choice away” from good or bad choices. The novel explores the result of both.

Believing in God is not about religion. “Religion has not changed my life… Jesus has.” Believing in God is based on relationship – with Him and with each other.

We need to be aware that “God speaks to people’s hearts all the time but… we miss it.” We need to tune our ears to listen to God and to be obedient. He always has our best interests at heart. His plans are the best plans.

Pray without ceasing. Thank God for the good times. Seek His help in times of need. Cover others with prayer always.

Within the novel there is corruption and crime at a high level. Organised crime ruins lives whilst filling the pockets of those at the top.

There are themes of forgiveness and grace. “The resentment… is eating you away.” We forgive because we are commanded to and because it is beneficial for us. God’s grace covers all sins. There are no gradients of sin. Sin is sin. At times we find this hard to take in as we compartmentalise sin into ‘big’ sin and ‘little’ sin but in God’s eyes, it is all sin and all covered by grace.

A great read about redemption, choices and the love of God that is freely available for all.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





2 thoughts on “The Wages Or The Gift by Rosalind Morris

  1. Thank you for your review. I am not familiar with Rosalind, but this sounds like a good read with wonderful themes. I love this part: “We need to tune our ears to listen to God and to be obedient.”

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