My Daughter’s Legacy by Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould

The Summer Of Truth

My Daughter’s Legacy by Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould is a Christian contemporary and historical mystery romance and I loved it. It is the third book in the Cousins Of The Dove series but can be read as a stand-alone.

The action alternates between present day and 1864, as secrets in the past are unearthed today. The two stories are linked by common ancestors, a love of history, old photographs and the desire for truth. Both have similar themes in their different time periods.

There is the theme of healing – both literal healing for those in the American civil war and mental healing today from the addiction of drugs and alcohol caused by a past event. God heals souls as we seek Him out. We can discover a God who loves us.

There is the theme of sacrifice. During the American civil war, people sacrificed their needs and comfort for others. Their “freedom was more important than her happiness.” Today people sacrifice their free time to help others. “They can’t get to church so [he] brings church to them.” This reminds the reader that we are called to be the church. The church is not a building but a group of people.

The novel deals with images of war. “A generation of young men – dying, maimed or forever changed by war.” War is horrific. Mothers on both sides lose sons. “If only everyone aimed to save lives and not destroy them.” War is always about loss. Everyone suffers. Everyone loses.

The wounds of war fester. Likewise our souls can fester when the focus is not on God and others, but on personal gain, power and wealth.

The novel discusses Jesus. Too often our image of Him is clean, surrounded by smiling faces. The reality was, Jesus got down with the people who needed Him most. “Why do we have to make Him neat and tidy? He was in the streets… doing miracles and delivering addicts from the gutter.” Jesus wants us to go out and minister to others. He wants us to get our hands dirty. He wants us to be His church to a hurting world.

Jesus brings hope. “Her hope was waning, but she wouldn’t stop praying.” He asks us to fix our eyes on Him and continue to trust, even though life is hard.

There is the subject of PTSD. A horror in childhood has lasting effects into adulthood. The escape came in the form of drugs and alcohol. It was a short term fix and not a long term solution. Love, care and professional help is needed to recover.

Family is important. Family who will love and support us. Family ties bind.

There was the subject of slavery. The American civil war was fought on this issue. All men should be free. No one should be judged or treated differently because of their skin colour. We are all born equal and we all bleed the same.

The novel wove fact and fiction together, teaching the reader about the American civil war.

I really enjoyed My Daughter’s Legacy. It was a fabulous tale with a mystery that kept me guessing. A compulsive read, with brave and selfless characters.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.



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