Turbulence by Alana Terry

Bold Faith

Turbulence by Alana Terry is a Christian suspense novel and the fifth in the Kennedy Stern series. It can be read as a stand-alone.

Once again Alana Terry has written a cracking novel focusing on real and relevant issues. The novel is full of godly themes. Alana Terry tackles questions that we all struggle with – how to be brave enough to share our faith with our friends and how inadequate we feel as a Christian in comparison with others. “She was a failure as a Christian, especially when she compared herself… to the heroes of faith.” God makes it quite clear that we are not in the comparison game. We each have a unique walk with Him. The only person we should compare ourselves with, is the person we were in the past. Our walk is ours and God’s business. Our journey will never be the same as someone else and we should never play the comparison game as we will only end up heaping guilt on ourselves.

To take the point of sharing our faith with our friends. We all struggle with that for fear of sounding preachy and pushy. We do pile the pressure on ourselves and feel guilt for not sharing. “How would Willow get saved if she never heard the gospel?” We have to tell our friends about Jesus because it would be awful for them to die not knowing Him. There is a time and a place to share and we must ask the Holy Spirit and listen for His promptings. We should walk out our faith so others see our faith in action and are drawn to Jesus. “It’s Jesus who saves, not theology.”

God desires a relationship with us all. He does not want us to ‘fit Him in’ to our busy schedules. God wants us to spend time with Him, getting to know Him and being open to His words.

There is the theme of missionaries. Some are called to go overseas. “Gladys Aylward… remained faithful to God’s call and ended up leading hundreds to Christ.” For most of us, our mission field is right where we are – in our homes, our school, our workplaces. We are called to shine Jesus wherever we go.

The novel deals with the area of stereotypes, prejudice and judging. We need to see beyond the colour of someone’s skin or clothing to see the person underneath.

We need to be quietly bold in our faith. Jesus should be such a part of us that His name just slides easily into conversation. No one will be converted by someone shouting and ramming hell fire and damnation down their throats. It is the gentle soul who lives with one eye on others and another on eternity who utters quiet words of love and lives out their faith and conviction that Jesus is real who will attract others. There is one such character in the novel and her faith is a beautiful thing.

Turbulence was a smashing novel. A great story with relevant themes and issues that concern and affect us all.

A fabulous read.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





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