Breakthrough To A Supernatural Life by Franklyn M Spence

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Breakthrough To A Supernatural Life by Franklyn M Spence is a marvellous book. It is the true encounter of Franklyn Spence with God and all that he has learned. There are also some practical suggestions for steps for the reader to use to help to hear God’s voice. “When you hear His voice, your life will never be the same.”

Franklyn Spence grew up in a traditional church of Sunday Christians and where the gifts of the Spirit were unheard of. Jesus was safe and boring. A supernatural encounter with God, aged just sixteen, meant Franklyn Spence’s life was forever changed.

Franklyn M Spence speaks with honesty about his struggles to process the encounter, his doubts and finally his obedience. The reader cannot but help identify with his struggles – who of us have not questioned if the voice we hear is God’s? Or ours?

Life is a spiritual battle and we would do well to remember that, as competing voices call to us? We need to test what we hear. If it does not line up Biblically, then it is not God.

The God of the Bible is alive today. As He worked in the past, so He works in the present and He will work in the future.

Franklyn M Spence shows that our identity is not in our doing. Our identity is in our being – who we are in Jesus.

We must all choose whether to have faith or follow our fears. If we have faith, there is no room for fear. We have been set free. We need to live free. Faith will turn our ‘I believe’ into ‘I know.’ (p.63) We can all truly know Jesus. The choice is ours.

When God calls us, we will stretch our faith muscle if we obey. He wants to move us out of our comfort zone. “The pew isn’t the test. It’s when you’re in the trenches that you find out what you’re made of.” Say ‘yes’ to God, be obedient and see how your life alters. We were all created to be in a relationship with God.

The final section of the book is designed to help the reader in their walk with God. Franklyn Spence ‘talks’ the reader through how to hear from God and blockages to hearing from God. It’s really helpful.

Breakthrough To A Supernatural Life is a brilliant book. It is fabulous to give to new Christians to help teach them how to grow closer to God. It is marvellous for older Christians to encourage them. The book reinforces relationships with God as the reader identifies elements of Franklyn Spence’s story in their lives.

A really wonderful book that needs to be on the bookshelf of every Christian. It is a book to return to again and again… to be read for encouragement whenever life knocks you down and you begin to doubt. And I leave you with:

“When God shows you who He is, you cannot go away unchanged.”

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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One thought on “Breakthrough To A Supernatural Life by Franklyn M Spence

  1. Discerning His voice takes real spiritual growth and sometimes even seasoned saints to always get it right when it comes to His voice or if it is your own voice just giving you advice or encouragement.

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