Unplanned by Alana Terry


Unplanned by Alana Terry is a fast paced contemporary Christian suspense which I really enjoyed. At its heart the focus is pro life and recognising that God has His hand on us, even when we are still in the womb.

God, too was at the centre. For some, trusting God is easy. For others, life can intrude. “What was the point in worshipping a God who wouldn’t lift His finger to rescue these precious souls?” God sees us all. He sees us before we are born. His rescue plan may not be ours but no one slips away unnoticed.

The peace of God can descend on those who trust, even in the midst of chaos. God’s peace does not announce itself loudly, but quietly and gently envelopes us, securing us in His arms.

The novel shows that sometimes we become so comfortable with God that we forget His awesome power. “Had God become such an everyday part of her life, that there was no room left for awe?”

There is the theme of protection. Protection may come in the form of God (always) and people too.

Grief is a powerful motivating factor. Grief may consume souls who then act in a way that is contrary to their character.

Trust is another theme. “Something was tugging at her heart – an invitation to trust.” We cannot go through life in isolation. We need to trust God and we need to trust others.

Family is important. Even though miles may separate, the reader can ‘feel’ the loving arms of parental love stretching out. How much greater is God’s love for us?

Prayer is our hotline to God. He longs to hear from us. Sometimes we feel He is not listening. “Please, God. Aren’t You listening?” Just because we cannot sense God does not mean He is not there. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us.

Unplanned was a cracking thriller that I read with a racing heart to its conclusion. It was my first by Alana Terry but I shall be back for more. I was glad to see Unplanned is the first book in the Kennedy Stern Christian suspense series so plenty more to read!

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





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