Trying To Fly by Annie Try

Whom To Trust?

Trying To Fly by Annie Try is a contemporary murder mystery and one that had me hooked from the start. Written in the first person, I was immediately drawn into the action. I spent the book participating in the story rather than just reading it.

Childhood traumas can persist into adulthood and rob a person of their well being. Trying To Fly explores the effects that one day in the life of a six year old have on an adult fifty years later. Parents who dismiss what was seen, merely exacerbate the problem in contrast with parents who take the time to listen.

The novel explores the consequences of disturbing a fifty year old death that was dead and buried. Someone wants the mystery to remain silent and some want closure. This raises the theme of who to trust? Who can one turn to?

God is present in the story. He is always in the background, a constant daily presence working for good. “Silently I thanked God for this meeting.” This demonstrates that God sends people across our paths just when we need them.

Prayer is seen to be important. “He prayed as if to a friend.” God desires a relationship with every one of us. He longs to be a part of our lives.

There is the topic of self esteem. So traumatised by childhood events and used to being in the background, one character believes them self invisible, even to God. “I prayed, but felt like my prayers were going nowhere – why would God worry about someone like me?” God sees each and every one of us and is always working on our behalf.

There are the sensitive topics of agoraphobia and the resulting loneliness. “My loneliness was consuming me.” Annie Try has clearly researched the condition and accurately portrayed a sufferer. Like a delicate flower, love, care and kindness are needed to bloom.

There is a wonderful friendship between the two main characters. It is a joy to watch their exchanges.

I really enjoyed Trying To Fly. It was a very different style of murder mystery but one that captured my interest from the start. Suspicion lurked around every corner and even I wondered who was trustworthy. And who was the perpetrator? This was my first novel by Annie Try but I shall be hunting out more.

A marvellous murder mystery that will have you guessing.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




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