Home At Last by Deborah Raney

Precious In His Sight

Home At Last by Deborah Raney is a contemporary Christian romance and the fifth book in the Chicory Inn series but can be read as a stand-alone. It has been a marvellous series and I have really enjoyed it. It has been wonderful to follow the fortunes of the Whitman family siblings throughout.

The novel has a wonderful air of concern and kindness that permeates throughout. The reader can ‘feel’ the love that extends through the families in the book. As a parent I can identify with the feelings of Shay’s father. His need to protect, even though his daughter is in her thirties. One never stops being a parent.

The need for a mother’s love is a basic requirement. Again, no matter how old you get, you still want your mum. “That empty place inside that only… her mother could fill.”

This basic desire is tied in to the theme of loss as Shay’s mother died several years before the novel began. The hole in her life has not diminished with time.

There is the theme of trusting God, especially in the hard times. “We have to take it on faith that God knows what He’s doing.” At times life makes no sense but “some things aren’t meant for us to understand. Not this side of heaven.”

There is a compassion running throughout as characters both help out and donate to the local homeless shelter.

In contrast there is the theme of racial prejudice and injustice. It makes for hard reading at times. However there is a beautiful scene where five year old Portia is welcomed and included by the Whitman grandchildren. Oh that the world could just see each other as people and remove any labels. A world with “people who…wouldn’t instantly judge them by the colour of their skin but… by the content of their character.”

There is an air of hospitality throughout that blends with the importance of family as the Whitman’s extended family meets fortnightly and everyone and anyone is welcome.

I have loved this Chicory Inn series. It doesn’t feel like a set of books is ending, it is more like an au revoir to old friends. I have become more involved with the lives of the Whitman’s as the series has progressed and it is with sadness that I have read the very last page.

A marvellous series.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.



Home At Last blog tour on Litfuse



One thought on “Home At Last by Deborah Raney

  1. I loved your review. I thought the same thing when I reviewed the book. If we could only remove labels and see people the Hesus sees them.

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