This Road We Traveled by Jane Kirkpatrick

Dreaming Big

This Road We Traveled by Jane Kirkpatrick is a Christian historical novel based on the life of pioneer Tabitha Moffat Brown. It is an epic read and one that I immersed myself in.

Set in the mid nineteenth century, Tabitha Moffat Brown’s adventures began when aged sixty six, she set off on the trail west. The novel explores the dangers she faced but she always trusted in God’s goodness and provision. “We will thrive on that cloud of faith… knowing that God is an unending source of hope, no matter the trial.” As she emptied herself of self and relied on God, so He provided. Tabitha Moffat Brown was indeed a strong woman of faith. She believed “God was in the world and in the small details of her life.” She knew a personal and an omnipotent God.

Jane Kirkpatrick shows that God can use you, no matter how old you are. “She wasn’t so old she couldn’t learn new things about herself.” Tabitha Moffat Brown reminds me of Abraham who trusted The Lord implicitly too. The trail was full of the unknown and dangers but Tabitha Moffat Brown chose trust over fear. “Danger is everywhere, but fear, that’s a choice we make.”

Being a Christian does not make you immune to hardships. The novel shows the sadness accompanying infant mortality. Choosing to travel west meant leaving behind the graves of loved ones but they could travel in the hearts of the pioneers. “Memories were easily packed.”

The power of prayer is shown in the story. “She should pray for her future… God listened.” God always hears our prayers but we need to listen to His answers and not be distracted by others. “Sometimes one had to take a leap and trust, not let the other voices be louder than the Lord’s.”

This Road We Traveled is a snapshot of a moment in time. It will open your eyes to the difficulties and hardships people faced in their quest to seek a new and better life in the west. History comes alive as you read its pages. A fabulous epic tale of life and love, adventure and loss and the amazing spirit of Tabitha Moffat Brown.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





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