Tea Shop Folly by Carrie Fancett Pagels

Delightfully Warm And Welcoming

Tea Shop Folly by Carrie Fancett Pagels is an absolutely delightful Christian historical romance and I loved it. I always know that when I pick up a story by Carrie Fancett Pagels, I will be absorbed into the action as I glide through the pages.

Lilly is a wonderful main character. I could ‘see’ her in my mind’s eye. She was warm and loving, a delightful woman of God who put others first and practices the gift of hospitality.

Leading man Theo is a fabulous blend of strong but vulnerable. We meet him first as he is nursing a migraine and he brings out the nurturing side in the reader. He is also the protective knight in shining armour.

The interactions between all the characters play out with ease. There are no airs or graces to Lilly and I chortled at her down to earth way of dealing with unwanted intrusions.

The novella has the theme of hope which links in to faith and trust in God. He hears our prayers and always answers them. Submitting to God and His plans for our lives means we can always live with hope.

The novel shows how gossip can be poisonous and is to be avoided. The reader is reminded of the caution in Proverbs about gossiping.

There is an abundance of tea and china tea cups in the novella. The descriptions of the china are deliciously done and I found myself becoming excited over the different designs.

As a fan of Carrie Fancett Pagels Christy Lumberjack series, it was refreshing to meet up with one of the characters within Tea Shop Folly.

Tea Shop Folly is the most delightful way to spend a cold, damp, dark winter’s afternoon. It’s pages are warm and welcoming as the reader escapes to warmer climes and a quieter pace of life. I loved it. I can recommend any of Carrie Fancett Pagels novels, they are all super.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




One thought on “Tea Shop Folly by Carrie Fancett Pagels

  1. Thanks so much, Julia!!! I enjoyed writing Lilly and Theo’s story and setting it at the Soo Locks, an engineering marvel. It was fun including a Christy cousin in this novella. I am so glad you enjoyed this book! Hugs!

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