Archive | May 2016

Fading Starlight by Kathryn Cushman

Making All Things New

FadingFading Starlight by Kathryn Cushman is a contemporary Christian novel and I absolutely loved it.

The story revolves around the verse in Genesis 50:20 “You intended it to harm me, but God intended it for good…” (NIV). God can take our broken lives and make something new that is better than we could ever hope or imagine.

God is very much at the heart of the novel. Lauren is a practicing Christian who tries to shine Jesus’ light into dark places. She battles against her human nature to be Jesus’ eyes and ears, His hands and feet in a hurting world.

Prayer has a strong presence in Fading Starlight. Lauren believes in praying for help and guidance, as well as remembering to thank God for His goodness.

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Just Claire by Jean Ann Williams


ClaireJust Claire by Jean Ann Williams is a Christian YA novel set in 1960. I am considerably older than the target market but I really enjoyed it.

Just Claire is written in the third person from the point of view of thirteen year old ClaireLee. She is the oldest of five siblings who have just moved to a new area as her father has work building a tunnel.

ClaireLee finds that her life has changed. All that was familiar is gone. The children start a new school. ClaireLee finds it hard to fit in. She longs to be part of the Lavender group but her friendship with Belinda makes this unlikely. Jean Ann Williams explores the complications of friendship for teenage girls. The highs and lows. The hurts and disappointments. And the bonds that form.

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At Liberty To Love by Caryl McAdoo

God Still Speaks Through Dreams

LibertyAt Liberty To Love by Caryl McAdoo is the seventh book in the Texas Romance series. It is a Christian historical romance set in 1865-66.

There are many themes within the novel but a major one is being unequally yoked to an unbeliever. Rebecca trusts God and knows He will always have her best interests at heart. She puts God’s Word above everything, even above her heart. “Stubborn woman, putting her religion above him.” For the Christian, it is never about religion, but always about relationship with God.

The novel concentrates on the command to take care of the widows and orphans. Newly widowed Rebecca longs to adopt two children. Her sisters run an orphanage, so Rebecca travels there, in the hope of realising her dream. She knows that being a lone woman will count against her, but trusting in God, she makes the journey.

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Traces Of Guilt by Dee Henderson

Uncovering The Past

guiltTraces Of Guilt by Dee Henderson is a contemporary Christian mystery and the first in the Evie Blackwell Cold Case series. It was also my first novel by Dee Henderson and it will not be my last.

As the series name suggests Traces Of Guilt deals with cold cases. Evie Blackwell is on vacation in a small town but uses the two weeks to work on two cold cases.

Dee Henderson is a marvellous writer and has clearly thought out a very intricate plot. I loved the way her main character thought through various scenarios and I got totally caught up in her way of thinking. I tried to predict the outcome but failed miserably.

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