A Year In The Lives Of God’s Furry Angels by Kirby Lee Davis

Absolutely Delightful

A Year In The Lives Of God’s Furry Angels by Kirby Lee Davis is an absolutely delightful book. I read the original book, and now I have read the newly released 2024 hardback edition which is positively charming.

The reader journeys through the twelve months following a young couple and their cat, and the other animals and humans whom they encounter along the way.

This is a cat lovers delight. Kirby Lee Davis has certainly captured the lives of cats in several walks of life. He gives them voices that seem believable to this cat lover.

We meet old Sebastian in the early months and see how devastating his passing is. For anyone who has loved and lost their fur babies, we can certainly empathise with Jessica. “She will always cling to her memories of Sebastian.” Other cats may come and go, each one taking up residence in our hearts.

For the rest of the year, we follow new kitten, Bridget who is full of joi de vivre and a young kitten’s natural curiosity. I certainly remember the climbing the curtain stage; the biting stage; and the fussy eating stage when we have had young kittens. “After several different attempts, Jessica finally provides a food Bridget likes.” We’ve all done it – pandered to our fur babies fussy eating habits!

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The Baker’s Secret by Lelita Baldock

Finally Home

The Baker’s Secret by Lelita Baldock is a powerful dual timeline novel that I read in just one sitting.

The action takes place in Riga, Latvia during World War II and also in 2018 in Australia as we follow two sisters and their wartime experiences. The chapters alternate between the pair.

Latvia was a turbulent and dangerous place to be during World War II. Having gained independence after World War; during World War II, first the Soviets marched in, and then the Nazis, and then the Soviets returned to oppress the people until 1990. Latvians were trapped within their own country, always being persecuted by whoever had control.

June 14th 1941 is called The Night Of The Disappeared as 15,000 Latvians were torn from their homes – men, women and children – never to be seen again.

We witness the bravery of the people. One sister is active within the resistance, the other reluctantly helps. Both are proud Latvians.

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The Wartime Book Club by Kate Thompson

A Golden Thread

The Wartime Book Club by Kate Thompson is a powerful historical novel that totally consumed me and I read in just one sitting.

The novel is based on a true story of friendship, courage and resistance in times of war. It is set in Nazi occupied Jersey during World War II.

Books were important to the islanders. They provided an escape for minds though their bodies were in captivity. Librarian Grace cared for the books, hiding the banned books away. She brought books to the islanders and set up the wartime book club. “The library… represented safety and security, a sense of order that the world outside could… never offer.”

The book club united those from all different walks of life. The people bandied together receiving a collective hope that the books provided.

There was much bravery. “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” Brave souls did what they could to save others as there were also those who would denounce their neighbours for a few reichsmarks. “War… was the greatest killer of trust.”

Love blossoms in times of war. We witness a love that binds. Also, a love between friends that gives each a hope, a hope needed to survive. “Hope was a powerful thing… and… she had to coat herself in, like armour.” Without hope the people perish.

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Fawkes by Nadine Brandes

Seeking His Voice

Fawkes by Nadine Brandes is a Christian Young Adult historical fantasy that has its’ roots in fact as we follow those plotting for King James I downfall.

Society is divided into two. There is hatred, prejudice and fear everywhere. It is not enough to just be for or against anything. Personal principles and beliefs should be put aside and the truth should be sought.

Life is a spiritual battle. We need to make sure we are listening to the voice that speaks truth and life, and not be deceived by the lies of the enemy.

There are those who claim to speak the truth but they are deceivers. We need to tune into the voice of God.

We see that racial prejudice was all around. A character has to hide her true self behind gloves and a mask. Only when she recognizes a pure heart will she unmask herself.

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