Superb Suspense
Unforgotten by Shelley Shepard Gray is a powerful Christian Amish contemporary suspense that I thoroughly enjoyed.
There are the hard hitting and difficult themes of stalking and abuse. We learn that a character has been a victim of an attack in the past, and it has affected her whole life. She feels guilty as if the attack was her fault. It wasn’t and “she needed to forgive herself.” We are never responsible for the actions of another. We need to be kind to ourselves, always offering grace and forgiveness to the face in the mirror.
Throughout the novel there is a very creepy character who watches from the shadows. There are some very dark scenes at night which heightens the suspense, raising the tension. The action mirrors the conditions.
We witness the bond between cousins. They are very close-knit, supporting each other. Life means that they are equally strong for the other but at different stages.
Sometimes in life, life makes no sense. We cannot see where we are going but God sees. She “didn’t have any idea what was going to happen next, but God did.” God knows our end from our beginning and we can trust Him.
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